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nanny resume

A few good ways to check your nanny:

1.Nurse's contact numbers of former employers, contact them and try to learn more about it (advantages and disadvantages)

2. Be sure to come home unexpectedly and see everything with your own eyes what the child busy and making babysitting.

3.Nanny unscheduled leave early or linger at work and come see her reaction (because such a situation could happen in real life)

4.If there is an opportunity to set for a few days in the apartment security camera, if not, use the tape recorder or player.

5.Pered work be sure to remove the passport data babysitting check honey. book and find out the exact address of the actual residence.

We have long been resigned to the fact "distressing" the fact that the era of overwhelming feminist women expelled from the kitchen and forced to earn money. Career and family - two values ​​between which now has to balance the weaker sex. However, if the problem is in the West cooking and parenting easily be passed on to specialists in this case, we have the term "nurse" is still a superstitious fear and memories of unpleasant reports program "Man and the Law." Let's be honest - if the factory whistle calls us to work, it is much nicer and safer to leave the child with her grandmother than to give their child at the hands of an unknown woman. Well, if we assume this is not possible? Here also it is necessary to puzzle yourself the question - how true those fears that guide moms in refusing the services of a nanny?

There are two ways to find a babysitter - through an agency or through a friend. The second way, as usual, we considered more reliable: it is clear, if a person is trusted friends, it seems more trustworthy than if he trusts any firm. Possible, of course, the joint option when friends recommend a nanny from the agency, but it is usually necessary to extremely favorable position of the stars.

Prices for babysitting in such cases also differ. But in the case of the agencies staff have diplomas and certificates, you sign a contract, and you are given certain guarantees.

Sample prices vary between 150-200 rubles per hour for non-professional nurses and 110 rubles. There is no upper limit. The price is influenced age of the child and non-standard graph: the lower the load, the more expensive the service cost. And if the child is older than 6 years, you know: it is not you hire a nanny, a governess, and they cost a bit more.

It is believed that it is best to take a nanny full time and specify a fixed salary for the month. It is desirable that the nanny, which leave infants, had medical and teacher education, known methods of early development. And already, regardless of age kid, desirable experience babysitting in families or in preschools and availability recommendations.

Another important tip: if you choose a babysitter, do not leave her with a baby on the first day - they both need to first get used to each other, so spend with them at least a couple of days.

Now the main thing: how to check whether the nanny good contact with your child and accurately perform their duties in your absence?

Most likely, this question young mothers started asking for a long time, and very helpful market responded quickly to their needs. If you are concerned about the question of what the nanny in your absence, remember the program "do not play" and "Candid Camera." Tracking principle is simple - set the number of cameras and observe the behavior of the nurse in your absence. You probably asked a reasonable question: where to get the camera and how much does it cost? Calm, just calm: nobody obliges you to buy them. As mentioned above, the demand generated proposal, and now enterprising agency specifically (!) To spy on nannies lease gentlemanly set as follows: three cameras, and tape dispenser. Cost to rent this kit about $ 300 a month. Another quite interesting phenomenon was the fact that the detective agency in the list of services provided indicate surveillance nurses. Sad but true: unlikely such services would be offered unnecessarily. Many families have already had experience with video surveillance cameras, and eventually found a lot of interesting. Their hired nanny fell asleep during the "duty" parent eating the fridge instead of feeding the child or did go for a walk, relying on strong baby naps. Naturally, with such nannies parents parted without delay. But there are companies in which organized the so-called "support" - ie there is some third party, oversee nanny for a few months, the nurse is constantly invited to lectures and discussions, during which held an exchange of experience, provided professional control over its activities.

More information caregiver resume at Blogging Tune.

But do not lose heart: yes, it is difficult to find a suitable nanny, but possible. This is evidenced by the experience of many families who have found a babysitter for your baby. Usually families see at least two nannies before settling on someone, but then remain happy with her work. There are, however, and unpleasant features: for example, the nurse can not demand to be put not only your refrigerator, but also personal things computer. In any case better clarify such issues at the outset, on probation. Do not forget that you - the employer and the nurse - your employee, and this behavior is similar to a situation where the bank employee in the absence of the Director enters his office and with his feet on the table and starts to read the secret documents, tries his or breaks ties with his computer on unreliable sites and puts a bunch of viruses. So in this situation, talk about misplaced tolerance and humanitarianism - only business relationship. Sure, you can make friends with time and with your nanny, and feed her the same food you have prepared for her husband, sharing with her their creams and shampoos and even give her revile his evening dress, but it should be no more than the exception of rules.

Also, pay attention to the child's age, which you hire a nanny. For example, in 8-9 months, babies are very wary of "outsiders" and often do not take the new aunt, but up to 6 months after 1-1.5 years addictive faster.

We hope that the above tips do not scare you, and will serve as a good tool when choosing a nanny. And do not forget the main thing: when choosing a nanny for your child listen to the voice of a mother's heart. After all, who better mom knows what to her baby?

More information nanny resume at Resume For Nanny.